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IoT Era – Smart interface focused on display

With the Google’s comments in 2015 that the new IoT era is coming, the 13th China International Display Conference started with the presentation of BOE, a large Chinese display company, with the topic of the era of smart interfaces to be developed in the future.


OLED TV, leading a new paradigm in the display market

‘2016 OLED accounting seminar was held by Ubi industrial research on Dec 2nd in the Small& Medium Enterprise Hall. Lee, ChungHoon, the president of Ubi industrial research said, “OLED is leading a new paradigm in the display market, advancing a perfect black color and fast response rate compared to LCD. Most LCD manufacturers have introduced QD-LCD with the enhanced color reproduction, compared to the existing LCD. However, OLED is also in the evolution of display technology ”


OLED TV, 디스플레이 시장 패러다임 변화 주도

지난 12월 2일 유비산업리서치 주관으로 서울 여의도 중소기업회관에서 열린 ‘2016 OLED 결산세미나’에서 이충훈 유비산업리서치 대표는 “OLED는 LCD와 대비해서 완벽한 블랙과 빠른 응답속도 등을 앞세워 디스플레이 시장의 패러다임 변화를 주도하고 있다”고 전하며, “LCD 업체들은 기존의 LCD 대비 색재현율 높인 QD-LCD를 내놓고 있지만 OLED도 함께 진화가 이루어지고 있다”고 밝혔다.


Possibility for market entry of Solution process OLED and QLED with new technology of large surface.

QD vision with Nanosis and SID 2016 and IFA 2016 also emphasized quality of TV with QD material included comparing quality of OLED TV. Against this, LG Display joined the completion by emphasizing quality of OLDE TV as an ideal display for HDR with comparison between QD-LCD and OLED in IFA 2016 with from SID 2016,